Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hestia: Goddess of home and hearth

Roman Name: Vesta
Symbols: Flame and kettle
Parents; Kronos and Reah
Spouse: No. Maiden Goddess
Children: None
Personality: Gentle and Modest
Wears and Wields: Veil over head and a flowering branch
No Chariot

Demeter: Goddess of Agriculture and Grain

Roman Name: Ceres
Symbols: Wheat, Swine, Ghecko
Parents: Kronos, Reah
Spouse: None
Children: Persephone, Plautus, Arion
Personality: Kind and Maternal
Powers and Skills: to cause or prevent a bountiful harvest,
Wears and Wields: Wreath of wheat stalks, torch, golden sickle
Attendants: Dryads
Chariot is pulled by: Dragons

Hera: Goddess of marriage and family

Roman Name: Juno
Symbols:  Lily, Cow, Cuchoo
Parents: Kronos and Reah
Spouse: Zeus
Children: Ares, Eris, Hephaestus, Hebe, Eileithyia
Personality: Queenly, Jealous
Wears and Wields: Crown, Lotus scepter
Attendants:  Hebe, Iris, the Hesperides, the hours, Eileithyia
Chariot pulled by: Peacocks

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hades: God of the Underworld and the Dead

Roman Names: Pluto, Dis, Orcas
Symbols: Cypress tree, Narcissus (a flower), the horn of plenty
Parents: Kronos and Reah
Spouse: Persephone
Children: Melinoe, Zagreus, Macaria
Personality: Grim and merciless
Powers and Skills: Control over spirits of the dead, invisibility
Wears and Wields: Helmet of invisibility, two-pronged pitch fork, keys to the underworld
Attendants: The furies, Hecate, Cerberus
Chariot pulled by: Black horses

Zeus: God of the Sky and Thunder

Roman Name: Jupiter
Symbols: Eagle, Oak Tree, Bull
Parents: Kronos and Reah
Spouse: Hera
Children: Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, the fates, the graces, Helen of Troy, Heracles, Hermes, the muses, persephone, perseus, dozens of others...
Personality: Strong leader, hopeless womanizer
Powers and Skills: Strength, wisdom, control of weather, ability to turn morals immortal
Wears or Wields: Scepter and thunder bolts
Attendants:Hebe, Ganymede, Cyclopes, Pegasus, Nike, Kratos, Bia, Zelus
Chariot Pulled by: The Four Winds in the form of horses

Poseidon: God of the Seas

Roman Name: Neptune
Symbols: Dolphin, Horse, Seashell
Parents: Kronos and Reah
Spouse: Amphitrite
Children: Orion, Polyphemus, Theseus, Triton
Personality: Changeable as the seas: sometimes calm, but quick to anger
Powers and Skills: Control of the seas, to raise storm or insure calm passage
Wears or wields: A trident
Attendants: Proteus and Nereus, Nereids-sea nymphs
Chariot pulled by: Hippocampus

Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Wilderness

Roman Name: Diana
Symbols: Hound, walnut, quail
Parents: Zeus and Leto
Powers and skills: Invented hunting; amazing aim with invisible and fatal arrows
Spouse: None, maiden goddess
Children: None
Wears and Wields: Hunting tunic, golden bow and quiver
Personality: Proud and Fierce
Attendants: Orion, her only male hunting companion; Arethusa, Callisto, and other nymphs
Chariot pulled by: Four silver stags with golden antlers

Apollo: God of Music and the Sun

Symbols: Raven, Laurel, Palm Tree  
Parents: Zeus and Leto
Spouse: None
Children: Asclepius, Orpheus, Troilus
Personality: Energetic and Creative
Powers and Skills: Artistic, medical skills, marksmanship with invisible and fatal arrows
Wears or Wields: Laurel garland, lyre, bow, quiver of invisible arrows
Chariot pulled by: Swans
Attendants: Nymphs and the Muses

Athena: Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy

Roman Name: Minerva
Parents: Zeus and Metis
Symbols: Owl, Serpent, Rooster
Spouse: None- Maiden Goddess
Personality: Brave, Creative, Proud
Powers: Invented weaving,ship-building, pottery, and other crafts
Wears or Wields: Helmet,armor, Spear, the aegis (Shield of goatskin with Medusa's head mounted on it).
Attendants: Nike, Goddess of Victory
Chariot pulled by:horses--1st chariot, she invented them!

Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty

Her Roman Name: Venus
Symbols: Swan, Apple, Rabbit
Parents: Uranus, sort of.  She emerged from the remnants of the god Uranus.
 Spouse:  Hephaestus (God of the forges)
Children: Eros,Harmonia, Aeneas
Powers: She can create feelings of desire
Wears a magic girdle that makes anyone fall in love with her
Chariot pulled by: Doves

Ares: God of War

 Roman Name: Mars
Symbols:  Dog, Vulture, WoodPecker
Parents:  Zeus, Hera
Spouse; none; in love with Aphrodite
Children: Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Hippolyta
Powers: Overwhelming physical force, a warrior
Wears and wields: Helmet, Shield, Pike 
 Personality: Cruel, Boastful, Cowardly
Chariot Pulled by: four fire-breathing horses